正·青春是由赵燕国彰执导,赵燕国彰,王子文,张进,王玉众,王馨乐,赵亚男,周木杨,严俊熙主演的一部剧情片。主要讲述了:离异的中年男人赵凌(赵燕国彰 饰)为了治愈多年来的失眠,雇佣了坐台小姐斯娅(王子文 饰)伴自己入眠,不久更提出要花巨款买下后者的第一次出台……数年以后,赵凌与斯娅再次相遇在人海,此时仍然保有处子自
關於言論自由:”some are saying that the result of this trial will threaten free speech. …I'm not attacking free speech. On the contrary, I've been defending it against someone who wanted to abuse it. Freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want. What you can't do is lie and expect not to be held accountable for it. Not all opinions are equal.”